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How we support exchange



The CSMVigo (Conservatorio Superior de Música in VIGO) belonging to the autonomous regional government “Xunta de Galicia”, has adapted its academic offer to the ECTS credits system in 2006, in compliance with the Organic Law of Education (LOE 2/2006 of 3rd of May).

In 2008 obtained its first Erasmus University Charter, the Erasmus Extended Charter in 2011 and the ECHE Charter in 2014. Since then it has participated in several international projects LLP, KA103, KA107 and KA203, collaborating currently with more than 150 HEI’s from programme countries, chosen after its teaching and academic offer quality, its tradition, geographical location, facilities, its cultural, artistic and professional environment or after other complementary opportunities offered to our educational offer.

Since 2016, it has collaborated with more than 15 relevant institutions from partner countries through different financial KA107 instruments: IPA (Balkans area), ENI (Eastern countries), PI (USA) and DCI (Asia and Central Asia). In 2017, the CSMVigo was distinguished as an example of good practices obtaining a Recognition to the Quality of the SEPIE in 2019, having achieved a fruitful and meaningful participation of both incoming and outgoing students and teachers, having built the capacity to cope with the forthcoming developments of the Erasmus+ programme and contribute to the improvement of the level of graduates and researchers in the Union European.

The relevance of the internationalization and modernization strategy is highlighted on the Development Project of the CSMVigo, committing itself to the principles of the HEI’s modernization agenda (COM (2017) (247) for the development of the European Education Area and the improvement of its current internationalisation process. As an active member of the Association of European Higher Conservatories (ACS) since 2012, the CSMVigo endorses the strategic objectives of this association grounding its strategy on the development and/or reinforcing the next ground action lines:

  • Enhance and modernisation of higher music education quality and curricula.

  • Improve the visibility of the institution as a centre of excellence at local, regional, national and international levels.

  • Participation in international cooperation projects (KA2) aiming the innovative resources development.




For the period 2021-27, the CSMVigo aims to achieve the next objectives:

1. Development of the Academic Mobility and international Cooperation.

  • Increase the current participation rates in KA1 and KA2 programmes: Students (promoting the intercultural values and social responsibility acquisition, essential values for the artistic, personal and social development as well as inclusion and diversity) and Teaching Staff (fostering curriculum development skills, enhancing the teaching quality at the CSMVigo, as well as the students and teachers exchanges from partner institutions, improving the institutional prestige.

  • Increase the international collaboration in KA2 projects (Strategic Alliances and Capacity Development Projects) related to innovation and development of higher education in the artistic, cultural, employment and research fields: Erasmus+, Creative Europe, European Universities, etc, through the exchange of knowledge, professional experiences, good practices and methodologies, such as the project "SMS - Strengthening Music in Society" developed by the ACS, tackling issues such the strengthening and development of the essential values of music in society, the entrepreneurship, the ICT applied to artistic teaching (e-learning), the internationalisation, considering the attention to diversity, social inclusion as well as the promotion of social responsibility and an active citizenship.

  • Increase the participation of invited teaching staff from companies.

  • Increase the quality of the institutional support offered to participants in mobility programmes.

  • Encourage the procurement and enhancement of foreign language skills, targetting specifically the participants in mobility programmes, promoting the participation in specific workshops and language immersion activities related to teaching artistic subjects.

  • Increase the current rates of foreign language accredited teaching staff, able to teach at the bilingual sections of the CSMVigo as well as taking part in international mobility actions.

  • Expand the academic offer taught in foreign languages.

  • Develop the digital skills of students and teachers.

  • Digitazion of the current administrative mobility procedures, through the digital tools developed by EWP, Dashboard, OLA, Erasmus+ Mobile, etc.

  • Ensure transparency and equality in all participant selection processes.

  • Guarantee equal rights and tuition fees exemption for incoming students.

  • Enhance and foster the current integration and support measures for incoming students: academic tutor and Buddies assignment, language courses, etc.

  • Comply with all Before, During and After mobility requirements, established by the Erasmus+ programme.

  • To guarantee the full recognition of the obtained ECTS credits, as previously agreed in the respective Student Learning and Training Agreements.

  • Ensure the recognition of staff mobility as part of the annual teaching activity as well as for internal promotion.

  • Develop own instruments for evaluating the progress and the impact of the internationalization process.


2. Research Development.

  • To promote the development of the research skills of students and teaching staff.

  • Encourage active participation in international networking activities through European platforms developed by the ACS, such as EPARM (European Platform for Artistic Research in Music), LATIMPE (Learning and Teaching Platform), MusiQuE (Music Quality Enhancement), REMA (Early Music Network), PJP (Pop and Jazz Platform) or similar, promoting the experts networking as an essential tool to prepare future collaborative projects.

  • Procure the access to the most advanced technological tools that allow access to international databases and virtual libraries.

  • To recognize the partner institutions Degree diplomas to access to the second and third cycles, when the legal framework allows it.


3. Entrepreneurship Development.

  • Promotion of entrepreneurial skills procurement.

  • Promotion of didactic and artistic performing internships for the students.

  • Procure the students integration in the international performing arts market and their employability

  • Encourage the participation of students in international artistic programmes and events (competitions, concerts, festivals, etc.) in order to increase the professional motivation of students and reduce dropout rates.

  • Promote the use of tools such as Europass and new tools to use for the music employers and agencies.

  • Monitor the professional progress of graduates.

  • Promote the creation of an Alumni association.

  • Encourage the collaboration with local, national and international cultural organizations in the organization of artistic events.


4. Social Responsibility and Active Citizenship Development.

  • Encourage active citizenship, solidarity and tolerance values 

  • Involve the students in shaping the future of the European Union.

  • Encourage the participation of students and teachers in voluntary programmes like Youth in Action from the European Union.

  • Encourage the participation of pupils and teaching staff in own projects, like the summer school projects planned by the CSMVigo in countries of the Balkans area or in Eastern European countries.


5. Dissemination and Visibility.

  • Display the internationalization strategy on the institutional website.

  • Development of dissemination channels and the efficient use of social network tools.

  • Disseminate the results of the participation in the different internationalization projects through the institutional web, project web (if any), social networks, electronic magazines, international forums, email lists, local press, specialized press, international associations, etc.

  • Participate in international diffusion events like those organized by the AEC, promoting networking activities for International Coordinators and Directors to prepare future collaborative projects.

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